Bun venit!

Wether you would like to run your own turn key business from the ease of your mobile phone and/or shop for unique decorations for your home, I am here to help! 

My name is Adrian Tarta and I am an Independent  Designer with ADAL GLOBAL. Here You can fund unique original decorations  and also a proven business model.

For details and benefits I am at your disposal. You can contact me directly.

Whatever your choice may be, welcome to the gallery that suits your needs with the decorations that you love! This is your gallery and also my gallery, a place for all! Here freedom starts by paying a discounted price, by cutting distributor marginal costs and investing this money in ourselves and the things we care about.  Did you know that in 40years of work, 24 years we work just to pay distributor marginal costs? Why not jeep this money for us and also let others know that they can do it, too! 

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